Over half of users abandon Meta’s thread app as Zuckerberg plans user retention features

Over half of users abandon Meta’s thread app as Zuckerberg plans user retention features


Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg addressed employees in a company town hall, discussing the challenges faced by their new Twitter competitor, Threads, in retaining users.

Despite an impressive initial sign-up of over 100 million users within five days, more than half of them stopped actively using the app.

  • Zuckerberg acknowledged this issue, stating “Obviously, if you have more than 100 million people sign up, ideally it would be awesome if all of them or even half of them stuck around. We’re not there yet,” Zuckerberg told employees yesterday, according to Reuters, which listened to audio of the event.

Thread’s users drop by half

Third-party data indicates that Threads experienced a significant decline in daily active users on Android, dropping from 49 million on July 7 to 23.6 million on July 14, and further down to 12.6 million on July 23, as reported by SimilarWeb.

The situation on iOS is yet to be revealed, but SimilarWeb suspects a similar pattern.

While the drop in users may seem discouraging, Zuckerberg reassured employees that user retention was better than expected.

He considered the drop-off “normal” and expressed confidence in improved retention as they add more features, such as a desktop version and search functionality.

Meta devising ways to drive retention on the app

Chris Cox, Chief Product Officer, suggested exploring “retention-driving hooks,” like allowing users on the Instagram app to access important Threads content.

Threads are integrated into Meta’s Instagram platform, enabling users to create a Threads profile as part of their Instagram account.


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