Elon Musk is new owner of AI.com after OpenAI and Google

Elon Musk is new owner of AI.com after OpenAI and Google


The domain name AI.com has undergone another change in ownership, highlighting the value and competition around the artificial intelligence branding space.

It was previously redirected to OpenAI, while the company never confirmed the purchase of the domain. Experts estimated its value at over $3 million, given the current hype around AI.

AI.com now redirects to X.ai, a new AI research company founded by Elon Musk. The reason for the domain transferring from OpenAI to X.ai is unclear. It may have decided against using the AI.com brand long-term or sold it for profit in a private deal.

This latest transfer continues the saga around the AI.com domain, which has traded hands between tech companies and speculators for over 20 years. Allegedly, Google was the first owner of the domain name during the “AI boom” in the 1990s.

Two-letter .com domains are rare assets, especially when forming a recognizable term like “AI.” X.ai likely sees owning AI.com as an investment in establishing its brand.

While AI.com may seem like a digital trophy, its owner still faces the challenge of building substance behind the domain. OpenAI gained attention through AI models like DALL-E and ChatGPT, not a website. X.ai, too, will need to demonstrate meaningful progress in AI to capitalize on the branding potential of AI.com fully.


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