Experts theorize why UFOs seem to defy physics – new revelations on how they perceive us


Experts have theorized that UFOs appear to defy the laws of physics potentially thanks to an anti-gravity machine, and that as a result, humans look like we’re moving in slow-motion.

Luis Elizondo, the former Pentagon insider who’s been blowing the lid off the government’s UFO secrets, has made shocking claims in his book, ‘Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs.’

In his bombshell memoir, he outlines a theory that gained steam during his time as part of the AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) group: UFOs harness anti-gravity to circumvent the laws of physics.

An anti-gravity device, forming what Elizondo’s team calls a ‘bubble’ around a craft, would potentially make the object immune to Earth’s gravitational forces – which might explain its incredible acceleration abilities.

And without any gravity affecting the craft, there would also be no time dilation taking place, meaning that while time for everyone on Earth would be slowed down by the Earth’s gravity, time for anything operating a craft would be considerably faster.

This would mean anything looking outside a craft would see the entirety of humanity moving at a fraction of their speed.

Luis Elizondo, the former Pentagon insider who’s been blowing the lid off the government’s UFO secrets, has made shocking claims in his book, ‘Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs’

Physicist Erik Lentz from the University of Göttingen has similarly proposed a mind-boggling theory that could explain how these otherworldly visitors traverse the vast distances of space.

His research suggests a way to create the above mentioned ‘warp bubble’ that could allow spacecraft to travel faster than light without breaking Einstein’s cosmic speed limit, as reported by Physics World.

But the catch is that it would require energy equivalent to ‘hundreds of times the mass of the planet Jupiter’

‘A warp bubble traveling faster than light cannot be created from inside the bubble, as the leading edge of the bubble would be beyond the reach of a spaceship sitting at its center,’ he said.

‘The problem is that you need energy to deform space all the way to the very edge of the bubble, and the ship simply can’t put it there.’

Meanwhile, a groundbreaking paper by Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, and Harvard’s Avi Loeb also sheds light – or bends it – on how UFO seem to create optical illusions.

The paper states that these mysterious objects should create ‘a bright optical fireball, ionization shell and tail’ due to friction with air or water, as reported by Popular Mechanics.

‘The friction of UAP with the surrounding air or water is expected to generate a bright optical fireball, ionization shell and tail — implying radio signatures,’ it wrote.

On top of that, many of the observed UAPs show no signs of these telltale signatures.

This could mean that UFOs could be nothing more than ‘sensor-induced optical illusions.’

‘The lack of all these signatures could imply inaccurate distance measurements (and hence derived velocity) for single site sensors without a range gate capability,’ the authors wrote.

‘Typical UAP sightings are too far away to get a highly resolved image of the object and determination of the object’s motion is limited by the lack of range data.’

Without any gravity affecting the craft, there would also be no time dilation taking place, meaning that while time for everyone on Earth would be slowed down by the Earth’s gravity, time for anything operating a craft would be considerably faster

However, Elizondo points out in his book that the optical illusion could be generated by the ‘bubble’.

Citing the Doppler effect, the former intelligence officer said that light moving in and out of the medium would skew based on if the object was moving away from you or toward you.

Elizondo, risking his life, has alleged in his book that the US military has been running a top-secret program to retrieve and reverse-engineer alien craft for years.

He even has claimed they’ve recovered non-human specimens.

‘We’re not alone,’ Elizondo told NewsNation. ‘We are not alone in this universe, and it is a simple fact. The U.S. government has been aware of that fact for decades now. I think if the American public knew just how deep this lie went, that we would have a very significant constitutional crisis on our hands.’


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