WhatsApp, the Meta-owned instant messaging app used by more than two billion people worldwide is always experimenting and rolling out new features. While the app already has a bunch of features, users have to rely on third-party apps to scan and send documents.
But with a recent update, WhatsApp is rolling out a new feature for iPhone users that lets them scan documents using the in-app camera and share it with anyone on their contact list, all without leaving the app. This is really useful since users had to previously open a third-party app to scan a document, save it in a folder and later share it as an attachment with others.
Now you can scan documents without having to leave WhatsApp. (Express Photo)
How to scan documents on WhatsApp?
To use the built-in WhatsApp document scanner on iPhone, open WhatsApp on your device, tap on the “Plus ” button on the bottom bar and select Documents. Now, you will see three options – “Choose from files”, “Choose photo or video” and “Scan document”.
Clicking on the third option will open the in-app camera, following which you will need to position the document in the viewfinder and tap on the shutter to scan it. Now, you can share it with others as you would with a normal document.
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