What Steve Jobs still has to teach us about the primary cause of failure [and how to prevent it]

What Steve Jobs still has to teach us about the primary cause of failure [and how to prevent it]


Ever wondered why some people succeed while others fail? It’s not necessarily about lacking skills or talent. Last month, we shared the remarkable journey of Noah Kagan, who turned over 20 startup failures into a $100 million year business. The truth is that failure is part of everyone’s story. The real question is, how do we handle it and steer clear of its grip?

Failure’s got many faces: fuzzy goals, fear of falling short, poor prep, wavering commitment, and the lure of procrastination. Despite what headlines scream about instant success, most successful people will tell you the road’s full of bumps. Learning from those who’ve made it is gold. And who better to school us on this than the legendary Steve Jobs? His sage words resonate: “Passion fuels the engine of persistence.”

Jobs’s equation, Work = Time * Intensity, hinges on one critical variable: passion. Without it, time creeps along monotonously. With it, hours dissolve into a blur of fervent engagement.

But how do you unearth this elusive passion? Consider these tactics:

  • Dive into meditation
  • Chronicle your journey in a journal
  • Explore your psyche through personality tests
  • Embark on novel adventures
  • Rekindle the sparks of childhood joy

At the core of passion lies purpose. It’s what infuses your efforts with meaning and direction. But sustaining this fervor demands introspection:

  • Revisit your motivations
  • Set audacious goals
  • Deconstruct mammoth aspirations into bite-sized tasks
  • Embrace respites as vital rejuvenation
  • Pursue endeavors that ignite your soul
  • Reflect on your achievements to stoke the flames of accountability

To stay passionate, remember why you started, set lofty goals, break them down, take breaks, work on what you love, and celebrate your progress. Passion’s contagious. When you’re into it, folks notice. Your energy draws them in, even when you’re not trying.

Aside from Jobs’s wisdom, failure to adapt, poor time management, and refusal to learn from slip-ups can hold you back. Unrealistic expectations and dodging your limits? They’re not doing you any favors either. Failure is just part of the journey, but knowing these pitfalls can help you navigate them better.

In the end, the reason most people fail? Lack of passion. Find yours, follow it, and success will find you. Hats off to Dan for sharing this insight on X. With five entrepreneurial ventures under his belt and stakes in 85 startups as an Angel Investor, Dan knows a thing or two about the path to success. What sets him apart is his emphasis on achieving success without sacrificing one’s well-being. For those curious to learn more about Dan, you can find further details about him here.

This article originally appeared in Tech Startups


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