Mark Levin: Rush Limbaugh anointed ME spirit of the conservative movement…

American Crisis II: Mark Levin issues 1776-style ‘call for action’

Already considered his best yet, Mark Levin’s newest book is set for release next week.

But with the election of President Joe Biden and the swift acceptance of liberal social policies, Levin said, “We’re in the abyss now.”

With his eighth book in his series coming out next week, American Marxism, his days of warnings are over, replaced by a “call for action” and a new movement to fight back.

“If you love individualism and freedom, if you love opportunity, capitalism, if you love this nation, and you appreciate everything that’s come before, the shoulders that we stand on, then it’s time to step up, it’s here and it’s now and they are devouring this society,” he said in an interview.

Levin, the busiest media personality in the business with his daily radio and TV show, his hosting of Fox’s Life, Liberty and Levin, and his writings, is now adding movement leader to his duties.

“We just need to have a national movement that pushes back,” he said, adding, “the point of this book is to start, or at least contribute, to such a movement.”

His targets are vast and all part of the post-Trump discussion in America, including critical race theory, the liberal media’s axis with the Democratic Party, court-packing, Big Tech’s canceling of conservative voices, and the attack on U.S. history.

“Marx would approve,” he wrote of the trend, charging that liberals are using the tactics of Karl Marx to tear the country down.

His answer is to support a boycott movement against “woke” corporations and others bowing to and feeding the rapid social change in America. “It’s no longer enough just to vote, even though that’s crucially important. Now we have to become the activists,” he said.

As popular as Levin is with his audience, he plans to remain the top cheerleader, not the political leader of the movement. Running for office is not his thing.

“If I ran for office, I would have less of a voice than I do now. Plus, my personality would not go well with most of the individuals who are in public office who talk a good game and do very little. So, it just wouldn’t work out,” he said.

Rallying a grassroots army through his media outlets is his role, one made even larger with the passing of his friend and fellow top talker Rush Limbaugh.

“The other day I was thinking to myself, ‘Rush, we need you now more than ever.’ But Rush isn’t here,” said Levin.

Limbaugh did signal that Levin’s role was to rally the conservative base, as he does on his shows and through his books. “He signed something for me, which I’m really a little bashful to talk about, I haven’t said it to anybody,” said Levin. “It says, ‘To my dear friend Mark, the spirit of the movement. God bless you, Rush.’”

Levin said he hopes that spirit is in his latest book (for weeks a top pre-sale Amazon bestseller) and leads to a new movement like the 2009 Tea Party movement and even the American Revolution.

“My hope is that this book will have the kind of influence that the ‘American Crisis’ had,” he said. “Because what we’re confronting is not a temporary fad. It’s not part of a cycle. It is an iron fist or a wrecking ball that has already done enormous damage to this society and to this country. And it’s going to take a tremendous amount of work. It’s going to take tens of millions of us. And it’s going to take individuals who never thought they could be heroes and patriots to say, you know what, ‘My children and grandchildren are going to face a hellish impoverished future if I don’t stand up now.’”

This article originally appeared in Washington Examiner


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