Bizarre seven-point plan to reinstate Trump in ‘days, not years’ distributed at CPAC

Bizarre seven-point plan to reinstate Trump in ‘days, not years’ distributed at CPAC


A plan to reinstate Donald Trump as president in “days, not years” was handed out to Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) attendees in Dallas, Texas.

The cards, featuring a seven-point plan, appear to have been made by a group called Patriots Soar, which is not connected to the organisers of CPAC, Insider reported.

The bizarre plan involves removing Speaker Nancy Pelosi, eventually installing Mr Trump in her place and then impeaching and removing President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, to allow Mr Trump to ascend to the presidency from the speakership, which is third in the line of presidential succession.

Step one of the plan is to “pull back the curtain on the horror show that is today’s ‘Democrat Party’. Watch Pelosi melt, like the Wicked Witch of the West. See the Black Caucus and other key groups flip, unexpectedly, and watch the tables turn”.

Step two is “witness a trusted Conservative elected as Speaker of the House and, FINALLY, reveal suppressed results of existing investigations into election racketeering” with step three being to: “correct the official record. Reveal that Trump legitimately won the 2020 Election”.

There’s no evidence that Mr Trump won the 2020 election and election security experts have said it was conducted fairly and safely. Mr Biden received over seven million more votes than Mr Trump and won the electoral college 306 to 232.

Mr Trump and his allies have filed dozens upon dozens of legal challenges to the 2020 election results without success.

The next steps of the plan are to have the new “Speaker of the House drafts Articles of Impeachment for Biden-Harris” and then for Mr Trump to be “placed into the line of Presidential succession, behind the Vice President, by electing him Speaker of the House”.

“Speaker of the House Donald J Trump then calls for a vote to impeach, charge, and remove impostors, Biden and Harris,” the card given to CPAC visitors states. “Duly impeach, charge and remove Biden and Harris, whereby rendering all acts of said impostors, while in office, null and void and of no effect! Then, duly elected Donald J Trump resumes his rightful place as US President,” the card concludes.

The sheet includes a link to a website that contains more information about the plan and claims to have evidence that members of the Democratic Party are affiliated with the practice of satanic sacrifices.

The card and website are referencing the widespread QAnon conspiracy theory that falsely claims Democrats are part of a global cabal of child abusers.

Polling by PRRI published in May of this year shows that 23 per cent of Republicans believe that the US government, media, and financial sector are controlled by Satan-worshipping paedophiles.

The outlandish idea that Mr Trump will be reinstated has been pushed by conservative figures such as MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, alongside the ongoing false narrative that the 2020 election was somehow “stolen” by Democrats.

Mr Trump is scheduled to speak at CPAC on Sunday.

This news originally appeared in Yahoo.


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