Despite claims from Democrats and media that no 'red wave' is coming in November, stunning new survey finds that most respondents prefer generic GOP candidate

Despite claims from Democrats and media that no 'red wave' is coming in November, stunning new survey finds that most respondents prefer generic GOP candidate

Conservative Brief

“Republicans have to start paying attention. The problem is where Republicans have to pick up in order to win the Congress is in districts like that,” Santorum told the outlet. “If you look at the national polls, if you look at a lot of these races like in my home state of Pennsylvania — if this is a red wave year, the polls are not showing it right now.”

But according to the newly-released Trafalgar Group’s Generic Ballot Nationwide Survey, pollsters found that respondents are definitely more prone to cast votes for GOP candidates than they are for Democrats.

The survey, conducted Aug. 28-30, found that 47.2 percent of respondents said they plan on voting for the GOP candidate in November, compared to 41.4 percent who prefer Democrats. Some 11.4 percent were undecided.

Interestingly, more self-described Democrats (39.3 percent) took part in the survey than self-identified Republicans (35.6 percent). And more women (53.3 percent) responded than men (46.7 percent).


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