FBI dropped 4 probes into Hillary Clinton, family’s non-profit ahead of 2016 election: Durham report

FBI dropped 4 probes into Hillary Clinton, family’s non-profit ahead of 2016 election: Durham report


The FBI had at least four open criminal investigations into Hillary and Bill Clinton that were suddenly dropped in the months before the 2016 presidential election, special counsel John Durham’s recently released report shows.

The bombshell report released by Durham — which concluded that the bureau’s probe into former President Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia was “seriously flawed” — also shed light on the quashed probes.

The feds had been looking into claims that foreign countries and other individuals were trying to influence the Clintons through donations to their namesake non-profit and Hillary’s presidential campaign.

Three of the FBI’s four investigations that were launched in early 2016 were looking into allegations that the Clinton Foundation has a hub of “criminal activity.”

Those federal probes originated from field offices in Little Rock, Arkansas, Washington, DC and New York — all of which opened audits into the charity as Hillary was in the midst of her presidential run.

The Little Rock and New York offices were investigating a claim that an outside commercial industry “likely engaged a federal public official in a flow of benefits scheme, namely, large monetary contributions were made to a non-profit, under both direct and indirect control of the federal public official, in exchange for favorable government action and/or influence,” according to the Durham report.

The DC investigation was based on allegations that the Clintons accepted millions in donations from foreign governments — as well as massive Russian corporations — in an attempt to influence US foreign policy dating back to Hillary’s days as Secretary of State, as outlined by political consultant Peter Schweizer in his book “Clinton Cash.”

The fourth investigation looked into allegations made by a “well-placed” source that Hillary continued accepting those illegal donations throughout her presidential campaign.

“Beginning in late 2014, before Clinton formally declared her presidential candidacy, the FBI learned from a well-placed Front page feed that a foreign government was planning to send an individual to contribute toClinton’s anticipated presidential campaign, as a way to gain influence with Clinton should shewin the presidency,” the report said.

The foreign “individual” reportedly made a $2,700 contribution ahead of a campaign event, which led to another “contribution of a significant sum of money.”

Hillary’s campaign workers “were okay with it” and “were fully aware from the start,” the FBI informant reported.

An unnamed FBI special agent in charge working on the probe told Durham that “everyone was ‘super more careful’” and “scared with the big name [Clinton]” involved.

“They were pretty ‘tippy-toeing’ around [Hillary] because there was a chance she would be the next President,” the report said.

All four probes were dropped ahead of the 2016 election — several of which at the direction of senior FBI officials who had close ties to the Clintons.

Durham concluded that the FBI dragged its feet and failed to pursue the Clinton’s alleged illegal donation scheme or document it properly.

The agency reportedly failed to get wiretapping warrants for their “well-placed” informant during their two-year inside relationship with the Clintons before eventually telling the person to cut ties with the couple.

A spokesperson for the Clinton Foundation denied the non-profit has ever been involved in any illegal activity in a statement to the Daily Mail.

The Durham report, the spokesperson said, “emphasized what’s been clear for many years – there’s never been any wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation.”

“None of the Clintons have ever taken any money from the Clinton Foundation — in fact, the Clintons themselves are major donors to the Clinton Foundation,” the spokesperson added.

The post FBI dropped 4 probes into Hillary Clinton, family’s non-profit ahead of 2016 election: Durham report appeared first on New York Post.


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