Trump’s helicopter tale debunked: Willie Brown says it never happened

Trump’s helicopter tale debunked: Willie Brown says it never happened

Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco, has rejected Donald Trump’s claim that they once experienced a frightening helicopter ride together, calling it “fiction.”

Trump, on Thursday, recounted a story where he and Brown supposedly had to make an emergency landing in a helicopter, saying it was a distressing experience. He described Brown as being “a little concerned” and implied that they thought it might be their final moments.

However, the 90-year-old Brown stated he never shared a helicopter ride with Trump and remarked, “I don’t think I’d want to ride on the same helicopter with him.”

It seems Trump may have confused Willie Brown with Jerry Brown, the former governor of California, with whom he did share a helicopter ride in 2018 to assess the damage from the Paradise wildfires. Gavin Newsom, the current governor, was also present on that flight. Both Jerry Brown and Newsom confirmed there was no emergency landing or any danger during the trip, with Newsom calling Trump’s story “complete BS.”

Trump’s comments were made in response to a question about Willie Brown’s past relationship with Kamala Harris while she was a California prosecutor in the mid-1990s. Trump suggested that Brown’s influence had a significant impact on Harris’s career, saying Brown had shared “terrible things” about her.

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