Putin’s pal warns of nuke apocalypse with 'radioactive wasteland for centuries'


THE  SUNONE of Vladimir Putin’s closest allies issued a chilling new threat of nuclear catastrophe today.

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev warned the West’s arming of Ukraine risks global devastation with cities reduced to radioactive rubble for centuries to come.

Medvedev – deputy chairman of Russia’s powerful security committee – spoke out days after Putin’s deranged nuclear threat in a major set piece speech last week.

His alarmist nuclear rhetoric in Russian daily Izvestia today was seen as a warning to Nato allies who are considering sending more weapons to Ukraine including F-16 jets.

Medvedev – a former president and prime minister of Russia – claimed the West wants to turn Ukraine into a “new anti-Russian Frankenstein”.

He said: “Of course, the pumping in of weapons can continue…. and prevent any possibility of reviving negotiations.


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