Putin ‘sends suicide squads into Ukraine’: Separatist fighters are fitted with satellite trackers so that Russian guns can start shelling Ukrainian soldiers who capture or kill them

Putin ‘sends suicide squads into Ukraine’: Separatist fighters are fitted with satellite trackers so that Russian guns can start shelling Ukrainian soldiers who capture or kill them

Russian forces have been fitting separatist fighters with GPS trackers and sending them to probe Ukrainian positions bore starting shelling when they are killed, it has been claimed.

The news emerged as Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said it was ‘highly unlikely’ Britain or its allies will send troops to defend Ukraine if Russia invades it.

Russia has stationed about 70,000 troops near the border of Ukraine and has started planning for a possible invasion as soon as early next year, US intelligence claimed.

Mr Wallace and Ukrainian defence minister Oleksii Yuriyovych Reznikov issued a joint statement on last month that said they were ‘concerned’ by Russia’s military build-up.

It added: ‘The United Kingdom stands shoulder to shoulder with the people of Ukraine and will continue its long-standing determination to support them.’

A Ukrainian fighter said a precision bombing was carried out on a secret interrogation after pro-Russian troops were seized while armed with AK47s and taken there.

The elite Ukrainian paratrooper said sacrificial pro-Russian troops ‘were carrying the tracker devices’ and suggested their ‘comrades were prepared to sacrifice them’ in an interview with the Mirror.

Read the full story in Daily Mail


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