Women for Trump founder and Jan. 6 rally organizer turns on Trump: He is ‘disconnected from the base’

Women for Trump founder and Jan. 6 rally organizer turns on Trump: He is ‘disconnected from the base’

The co-founder of Women for Trump is not happy with Donald Trump.

In comments published by Politico Wednesday, Amy Kremer — a Jan. 6 rally organizer who co-founded the group Women for Trump — blasted the former president over his endorsement of Katie Britt, who won the Republican Alabama Senate primary on Tuesday. Britt defeated Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), who was backed by Kremer and many other conservatives.

“Donald Trump is disconnected from the base,” Kremer told Politico. She added, “It’s time for those of us in the movement to get back to basics, back to our first principles. … We were here long before President Trump came along, and we’re going to be here long afterward.”

Trump initially endorsed Brooks, but rescinded his support amid the congressman’s nosedive in the polls. Brooks tried to get back in Trump’s good graces by supporting the former president’s false election fraud claims. But the two ultimately ended on acrimonious terms.

Kremer — who, along with her daughter, Kylie Jane Kremerput on the Jan. 6 rally at the Ellipse near the White House — is very much Team Brooks. She went after the former president in a series of tweets ahead of Tuesday’s vote.

“I’m on the ground in Alabama & Trump got this way wrong,” Kremer wrote. “People are very angry at him. … I’m not sure they will get over this. They view it as a slap in the face & a disconnect from the [people]. I get it…”

This article originally appeared in Mediaite


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