Governor Diri advocates stronger institutions for Nigeria’s development

Governor Douye Diri of Bayelsa on Saturday called for the strengthening of the nation’s institutions for improved outcomes.

Mr Diri said the enthronement of faulty institutions, instead of functional ones capable of improved outcomes, was a problem in the country.

The governor. a guest at the ongoing Lord’s Chosen Revival Movement crusade in Lagos, said a system reform was needed for advancement.

The governor said there was a need to improve how elections were conducted to bring out the best.

According to him, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) needs reform to give the people the best in the nation’s electoral system.

“If we must get it right from the onset, party politics should be one that can bring up popular candidates for the people to choose.

“From the party internal democracy to the inter-party contest, the process should be one that can produce the best and popular leaders,” he said.

Mr Diri, who would be inaugurated for the second tenure in office by…


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