Man accused of killing banker with single punch in West End

Man accused of killing banker with single punch in West End


This is the man who is accused of murdering the UK chief executive officer of Qatar National Bank outside celebrity nightspot The Ivy.

Steven Allan confronted banking boss Paul Mason and knocked him to the ground outside the exclusive club in London’s West End on December 15, 2020.

Allan, 34, had been drinking in a number of bars when he bumped into Mr Mason, who had spent the evening at The Ivy.

He accused 52-year-old Mr Mason of stealing a mobile phone and launched a vicious attack, the Old Bailey was told.

As Mr Mason tried to get up from the floor, Allan connected with an uppercut – with witnesses describing the ‘sickening crunch’ as Mr Mason’s skull collided with the pavement.

Doctors battled to save him and carried out a procedure to replace part of his skull with a sheet of titanium, but he died six months later on June 4 2021.

Allan, of Hook, Hampshire, was later traced by CCTV. He admits manslaughter but denies murder.


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