I saw hell in kidnappers’ den – Victim

I saw hell in kidnappers’ den – Victim


Mr. Peter Usman a victim of kidnapper who was kidnapped on 27 March 2023 by unknown gunmen along Chikara- Abaji – road to Abuja, narrates his live story while in the kidnapper den.

He narrated that, he went through a hell before he finally regain his freedom on 4th April 2023.

Peter, narrated that on their way from Lagos when they went to buying failed used car, at Chikara- Abaji road to Abuja, they landed in the hands of kidnappers who took them to unknown destination.

He said that,” We were four inside the car coming from Lagos when we heard a gun-shoot at our front in the process of trying to ran away we landed in their hands but two of us ran inside the bush and escaped while two of us were in their hands.

When they catch us around 12: pm of that faithful day, they asked us to follow them to their den. On our way to their den we walked from 12pm till 8am of the next day before we finally reach where they will hide us.

When asked to know what was treatment meted on them while in the kidnapper den,” He narrated that we really saw hell in the hands of kidnapper. My second person was matcheted on one of his leg, they asked me to carried him in my back to a place where they will hide us . If you are clamming the pit-hole where they hide us you will suffered before you will come up.

Another thing was, if they hide you here today tomorrow they changed your location. They beats us everyday, they tide my hands at the back and beats me everyday. As you can see my face with a wounded sign, I was hits with a gun wood at my face by my abductors. As you can see my body this is the signs of treatment I was receiving everyday while in the kidnappers den.


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