How warped 16-year-old boy murdered baby in messy Derbyshire flat


Police bodycam and interview footage have revealed how a teenage baby killer smirked as he was questioned by police and called cops ‘boring’ in video that helped convict him.

Carl Alesbrook, who is now 19, will be given a mandatory life sentence for shaking four-month-old baby Elijah Shemwell to death in January 2022.

When he was 16, Alesbrook shook his then-partner’s son so violently he suffered ‘catastrophic’ brain injuries and broken bones.

Alesbrook, from Matlock in Derbyshire, denied causing any harm to Elijah but was unanimously convicted of both murder and causing grievous bodily harm with intent by the jury at Derby Crown Court on July 11. 

Video of his initial contact with police and later interviews showed Alesbrook admitting to leaving the baby unsupervised and taking drugs before he was meant to look after the tiny tot.



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