Mum shot in head four times by own son in front of their family as judge in tears at horrific murder

Mum shot in head four times by own son in front of their family as judge in tears at horrific murder


A mum was brutally shot four times in the head and killed by her own son in front of her husband and younger son, according to police. Tatanisha Jackson was entering her family home on a Saturday afternoon when her 17-year-old son, Davion Pryer, allegedly opened fire in front of his dad and younger brother.

Investigators claim that Davion, who had just collected his younger brother with his dad, had phoned his mum 10 minutes earlier, complaining about people drinking on their back porch. As Jackson opened her front door, she was reportedly shot in the head at point-blank range. Davion was arrested later that day, just before 10pm, in the 7000 block of South Cottage Grove. He will face trial as an adult, charged with first-degree murder.

The shocking crime sent ripples of disbelief through the community and the courtroom. Judge David Kelly, presiding over the case, struggled to contain his emotions, taking several moments to compose himself. “This is very sad and tragic to this court…” Kelly said. “The unprovoked shooting and killing of your mother in front of your father and brother.”

Jackson had arrived at Cornell Avenue in the South Shore neighbourhood of Chicago, US, where she lived following her son’s call and unlocked the door. Pryor, who was on the other side, allegedly swung the door open and fired four bullets into her skull at point-blank range, creating a horrific scene.

Pryor’s father and his seven-year-old brother, fresh from school pickup, were mere inches away when his wife was shot. As the father quickly grabbed the young boy and dialed 911 amid ongoing gunfire, detectives reported.

The chaos drew the attention of locals, including Ronald Jackson, who had just finished work. He said: “So everything was peaceful, and then out of nowhere, shots let off. We hear like eight shots. After the eight shots, I’m like, ‘No, that wasn’t no gunshots.’ Then it was six more.”

Jackson recognised the slain mum from social media pictures circulating online. He said: “I’ve seen her a couple times. Sorry to hear that. Just, you know, death in this city-it’s sad. Every day, every year, it just happens. So I feel sorry for their family.”

Upon arriving at the scene, officers discovered Jackson’s body with multiple gunshot wounds to her head and torso. They also found a gun and around 12 spent shell casings, according to the Mirror US.

The mum was taken to University of Chicago Medical Center, where she later passed away. She leaves behind her husband, two other sons, and an older stepdaughter. In light of Pryor’s unprovoked and unjust attack, Judge Kelly decreed that Pryor should remain in custody.


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