Balenciaga apologizes for creepy photoshoot with sexualized teddy bears and child porn court document

Balenciaga apologizes for creepy photoshoot with sexualized teddy bears and child porn court document

Luxury fashion company Balenciaga issued an apology Tuesday for their recent ad campaign, which used pictures sexualizing children as they posed with teddy bears wearing bondage uniforms.

One of the pictures included a U.S. Supreme Court case, U.S. v. Williams, which criminalized child pornography. The portion shown in the picture cites another Supreme Court case, Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, which made virtual child porn protected speech.

The company has been accused of “normalizing child pornography” by many.

“They are trying to chum up attention by incorporating a Supreme Court child porn pandering case as window dressing,” National Center on Sexual Exploitation general counsel Benjamin Bull said. “It’s connecting child porn with their product.”

The company faced significant backlash, resulting in them removing the pictures and issuing an apology. They have also begun legal action “against the parties responsible for creating the set.”


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