Bill Cosby’s new accuser: Woman claims he ‘lured,’ raped her in 1972

Bill Cosby’s new accuser: Woman claims he ‘lured,’ raped her in 1972


Another woman has come forward to file a civil suit against Bill Cosby, alleging that he drugged and raped her in the 1970s after inviting her to his comedy show.

Donna Motsinger, who now lives in New Mexico, filed the complaint in Los Angeles Superior Court on Thursday, saying that she met the comedian in 1972, when she was waitressing at The Trident, a renowned Sausalito restaurant and celebrity haunt.

Cosby would come in every day, hanging around to chat with Motsinger, who was 31 at the time, according to court papers.

In an attempt to “lure and groom” her for the future sexual assault 50 years ago, Cosby — who was “fawned over” due to his celebrity status — once asked her if he could call up her son from a payphone, according to the suit.

Cosby followed her home after one of her shifts and invited her to his comedy show at the Circle Theater that night, where he was filming “In the Mind of Bill Cosby,” according to court documents.

He picked her up in a limousine that night and offered her wine on the way to the show, she claimed in the suit.

At the theater, he took her to the dressing room where she began to feel sick, and he offered her what she believed was aspirin, according to court documents.

“Next thing she knew, she was going in and out of consciousness while two men attending to Mr. Cosby were putting her in the limousine with Mr. Cosby,” the suit continues.

“In the limousine, Mr. Cosby sat near the window and put his arms around her. The last thing Ms. Motsinger recalls were flashes of light. She woke up in her house with all her clothes off, except her underwear on — no top, no bra, and no pants,” she claimed in the suit.

The suit, which seeks unspecified damages, also seeks to hold Cosby’s production company, Jemmin, Inc., responsible for the alleged assault, as well as the Circle Star Theater, for “failing to ensure the safety of its guests at the hands of its performers,” and not intervening because of Cosby’s fame.

Motsinger came forward in 2014 as one of was one of the 12 “Jane Does” who testified against Cosby during a 2005 civil rape case against Cosby.

The 86-year-old former “Cosby Show” star has been accused of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment by more than 60 women.

He served three years of a ten-year sentence at a state prison near Philadelphia before a higher court threw out the conviction and released him in 2021.

He has denied all allegations involving sex crimes.

Cosby’s team could not immediately be reached for comment.

The post Bill Cosby’s new accuser: Woman claims he ‘lured,’ raped her in 1972 appeared first on New York Post.


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