Hardship: Prayers have replaced medicine in most homes in Nigeria – Peter Obi


Former Anambra State governor, Peter Obi has said that most households in Nigeria now resort to prayers when they are sick, instead of procuring medicines to treat themselves.

Obi stated this on Wednesday at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, while delivering a keynote address during the 6th Public Lecture of the Board of Fellows, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (BOF-PSN).

He bemoaned the state of the nation’s health sector saying many pharmaceutical companies have left the country, making drugs very expensive for the poor, which is reason most homes now resort to prayers.

Obi, who was the keynote at the event with the theme, ‘Access to Quality Medicine in An Unstable Environment’, said rather than partner local pharmaceutical industries for manufacturing of high quality drugs, government has instead been issuing licences for importation of drugs and collection of revenues from the importers.

“I visited a primary health centre in an outskirt of Abuja in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), and, discovered that there were 50 pregnant women in the hospital, and, there was just one medical staff attending to them.

“There are about 24,000 primary health centres in the country, but how many of them are functional?



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