UK mulls stricter visa rules for foreign IT and engineering professionals to bring down migration

UK mulls stricter visa rules for foreign IT and engineering professionals to bring down migration

The British government is considering implementing stricter visa regulations for foreign professionals in the IT, telecommunications, and engineering sectors in an attempt to curb high migration levels. This move could have a substantial impact on thousands of Indian professionals who travel to the UK each year to address critical skill gaps in these industries.

Potential changes may include raising the minimum salary threshold or introducing regional hiring restrictions. UK Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has asked the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), led by Brian Bell, to examine the heavy dependence on international recruitment within these sectors.

In a statement, Cooper questioned why these industries are among the top 10 most reliant on international recruitment and emphasized the need to address ongoing skills shortages in the UK labour market.

The MAC has been tasked with identifying the root causes of labour shortages and evaluating the response of these sectors, beyond relying on overseas talent. Cooper has also requested that the committee explore possible immigration policy changes to encourage hiring from the domestic workforce, raising concerns that the current system may not be in the national interest.

The MAC’s findings are anticipated in nine months and could lead to significant changes in UK visa regulations for IT, telecom, and engineering professionals.


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