UK Targets Bashar Al-Assad’s Close Allies With Sanctions on 10th Anniversary of Syrian Conflict

UK Targets Bashar Al-Assad’s Close Allies With Sanctions on 10th Anniversary of Syrian Conflict


Middle East

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The new restrictive measures against top Syrian officials come as a decade has passed since Syria descended into a bloody civil war that grew to involve multiple regional and foreign actors.

The United Kingdom has introduced sanctions against six officials close to President Bashar al-Assad. The punitive measures target Foreign Minister Faisal Miqdad, Assad adviser Luna al-Shibl, financier Yassar Ibrahim, businessman Muhammad Bara’ Al-Qatirji, Republican Guard commander Malik Aliaa, and Army Major Zaid Salah.

“The Assad regime has subjected the Syrian people to a decade of brutality for the temerity of demanding peaceful reform”, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said when announcing the sanctions.



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