Sexuality: Why young girls have saggy breast

Sexuality: Why young girls have saggy breast


Sexuality: Why young breast have saggy breast

By Sherifat Lawal

Sagging breast is one of the major concerns of the average girl. From adolescence to adulthood; no lady wants to lose her sense of youth. In an interview with Vanguard, Doctor Peter Atangwho (@firstdoctorr) gives expert opinion on why young girls have saggy breasts.


Why do young girls have saggy breasts?

The fact remains that falling or sagging breasts is due to a combination of factors that tend to increase as the woman ages.

Some ligaments in the breast called Cooper’s ligaments hold the breast tissue together. With time, they can get stretched out, causing the breast to sag.

Another contributing factor is the loss of skin elasticity which makes a young woman’s boobs appear deflated.

For example, people that are bursty tend to experience sagging faster due to the dragging effect of their huge breast mass on the Cooper’s ligament as a result of gravity

Speaking of ‘number of pregnancies’, can abortion be a causative factor?

During pregnancy, there’s interplay of hormones like estrogen and progesterone which have massive effects on breast size in preparation for breastfeeding.

If an abortion occurs, however, those effects could still be seen on the breast tissue. So strictly speaking, abortion can contribute.

So, having numerous abortions or miscarriages is a contributing factor?

The number of pregnancies is what matters most. In other words, the more children you have, the more stretched out your breasts could become.

Can sucking of the breast by sexual partner during foreplay contribute to the sagging of the breast?

I am not aware of any research that supports the popular belief that sucking of the breasts by a woman’s sexual partner makes them sag.

Like I said, the main cause is loss of skin elasticity and overstretching of the Cooper’s ligaments.

Is there any expert opinion on how to prevent the breast from sagging?

Yes, sure. Maybe the right word is “delay” breast sagging because as the woman continues to age and approach menopause, sagging becomes almost inevitable.

Back to the question, one can delay sagging by using their appropriate bra size, drinking lots of water to keep the skin hydrated, avoid smoking, maintain a healthy weight, and always sit straight up to support their breasts and avoid them hanging downwards or dangling.

Vanguard News Nigeria


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