Former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens Announces Run for Senate

Former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens Announces Run for Senate


Eric Greitens speaks to the corps of cadets at the 22nd Annual Ethics Forum at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn., in 2011. (Petty Officer Second Class Timothy Tamargo/US Coast Guard)

Former Missouri governor Eric Greitens announced on Monday that he will run for Senate, in an interview on Fox News’s Special Report.

Greitens will run for the seat of Senator Roy Blunt, a Republican who announced earlier this month that he would not seek reelection. The Senate primary will see Greitens attempt a political comeback following his resignation from office in 2018, in the wake of multiple scandals.

“We’ve been exonerated and we’re moving forward,” Greitens told Special Report host Bret Baier. When asked why he resigned, Greitens said “We resigned because at the time it was what I needed to do for the people I love the most.”

In the lead-up to his resignation, Greitens’s hairstylist had accused the former governor of sexual misconduct, testifying to investigators that Greitens tied her up in his basement in 2015 and sexually assaulted her. Greitens was also accused of taking a partially-nude photo of the woman and transmitting it without her consent, leading to a felony invasion-of-privacy charge. Prosecutors dropped the invasion-of-privacy charge after investigators failed to find the photo in question.

Greitens eventually resigned as part of a deal with the St. Louis prosecutor’s office, which agreed not to press charges following accusations that Greitens used a charity he founded to fundraise for his 2015 gubernatorial campaign.

Greitens insisted at the time that he hadn’t “broken any laws or committed any offense worthy of this treatment,” lamenting “endless personal attacks designed to cause maximum damage to family and friends.”

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Zachary Evans is a news writer for National Review Online. He is a veteran of the Israeli Defense Forces and a trained violist.


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