Black student who faked ‘white supremacist’ & anti-Semitic graffiti on campus, sparking protests, suspended from Albion College — RT USA News

Black student who faked ‘white supremacist’ & anti-Semitic graffiti on campus, sparking protests, suspended from Albion College — RT USA News

A black student at Albion College has been temporarily suspended for writing racist and anti-Semitic graffiti on a dormitory wall. After the culprit admitted his responsibility for the hoax, the school said “we’ll heal together.”

Campus authorities at Missouri’s Albion College have discovered that a 21-year-old black student was responsible for the racist and antisemitic graffiti found in a stairwell of the school’s Mitchell Towers dorm last week.

The material included “racist epithets and multiple references to the Ku Klux Klan,” according to university…


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