Iranian Navy’s largest vessel catches fire & sinks in Gulf of Oman (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) — RT World News

Iranian Navy’s largest vessel catches fire & sinks in Gulf of Oman (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) — RT World News

The largest vessel operated by the Iranian Navy, the IRIS Kharg, caught fire and sank in the Gulf of Oman. The logistical and training ship was on fire for around 20 hours before finally sinking off the southern port of Jask.

The ship, which was the largest in terms of tonnage operated by the Navy, sank early Wednesday, Iranian media reported, citing the Navy’s second maritime zone in Jask.

“All efforts to save the vessel were unsuccessful and it sank,” Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency said.

The Kharg caught fire on Tuesday, and the blaze raged for around 20 hours…


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