Nolte: Quinnipiac – Joe Biden Approval Sinks to 36%, GOP Up 8 on Generic Ballot

Nolte: Quinnipiac – Joe Biden Approval Sinks to 36%, GOP Up 8 on Generic Ballot

Joe Biden’s job approval rating has sunk to 36 percent in the latest poll from left-wing Quinnipiac, and the Republican party is up eight points on the generic congressional ballot.

Keep in mind that Quinnipiac is an infamously left-wing pollster. So anything Quinnipiac can do to juice a poll in favor of Democrats, Quinnipiac will do. And still, this poll is ALL bad news for Democrats.

Below are all the key numbers, but let’s start with the most fascinating one

In an open-ended question, allowing for any answer, Americans were asked what they thought was the most important…


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