US warns pilots of possible ‘surface-to-air fire’ in Ethiopia

US warns pilots of possible ‘surface-to-air fire’ in Ethiopia


The United States has warned pilots that planes operating out of Ethiopia’s main international airport – one of busiest in Africa – could be “directly or indirectly exposed to ground weapons fire and/or surface-to-air fire” if the country’s spiralling conflict nears the capital, Addis Ababa.

A Federal Aviation Administration advisory cited the “ongoing clashes” between Ethiopian forces and fighters from the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), in the warning to pilots operating from the Addis Ababa Bole International Airport.

The warning was issued on Wednesday, a day after the US urged its citizens to leave the country immediately as the fighting risked further escalation.

The FAA advisory said there had been no reports of disruptions at the airport and “no indication of an intent to threaten civil aviation”…


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