Ingraham: Biden ‘isn’t listening’ to Americans, has ‘failed on almost every front’

Ingraham: Biden ‘isn’t listening’ to Americans, has ‘failed on almost every front’

President Biden and the congressional Democrats will conclude 2021 with a slew more issues than the beginning of the year, said Laura Ingraham.

“They are not listening,” she said Friday on “The Ingraham Angle.” “Biden and the congressional Democrats end 2021 having failed on almost every front. Inflation is skyrocketing. Violence is on the rise. There is a needless omicron freakout and tens of thousands of illegals are flooding across the border and the Left’s agenda is stalling out thankfully.”

“Americans are fed up with it.”

As of late, one of the Democrats’ strongest voting bases — Hispanic Americans — have shifted toward the GOP by a sizable amount, she said.

“Among young people, Biden has fallen 50 points since the beginning of the year,” she added.

On Thursday, Ingraham offered both a warning and advice to Biden and his party — to “reset” themselves in the new year and tack to the center, like other Democrats including former President Bill Clinton did to much success, she noted.

“[F]orget the trillion dollars in spending and stop dividing the country along racial lines and stop the COVID hysteria — they will stay the course,” she said. “After damaging our children and families with previous COVID restrictions, the administration is threatening them again because of the omicron variant when data shows to be mild.”

Ingraham pointed to Biden’s top medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci claiming “we may have to be more restrictive,” which she said is less of a tossup and more of a certainty.

“According to a new poll, 70% of Americans do not support any new restrictions even with the new variant,” she said. “They have had it.”

“I remember candidate Joe Biden pledged to bring unity to America after four years of Trump. Today he doubled down on division throwing this with the anti-American forces that see America as a nation rife with racism,” she added, pointing to a speech in Orangeburg, South Carolina.

“Biden trashed Trump and returned to the well of Charlottesville and Jan. 6. With the agenda collapsing, his speechwriters are out of ideas,” she said. “They send Biden out to repeat a lie — that mail-in ballot verification is racist.”

Biden claimed he had “never seen” such an attack on the right to vote than Republican legislatures passing laws strengthening election integrity, despite states like his own in Delaware having longstanding election laws tougher than ones the GOP passed in Georgia and elsewhere.

He claimed he has never seen such an “un-American” voter-suppressive policy since the 1870s.

“We made no progress, America,” Ingraham replied. “Obama and Biden were elected twice without the Democrat’s so-called voting rights legislation. That fact is lost on Biden.”

“None of this is working. So much of it is toxic and negative. It’s depressing and counterproductive. A man who pledged to lift us up dragged us down,” she continued. “A man who pledged to shut down the virus prolonged the pain. A president who promised to make us respected around the world turned us into a laughingstock. An administration that downplayed inflation has refused to lift a finger as it gobbles up family incomes.”


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