Ben Carson slams Biden’s race-based Supreme Court pledge as ‘abominable’ identity politics

Ben Carson slams Biden’s race-based Supreme Court pledge as ‘abominable’ identity politics

President Joe Biden recommitted this week to nominate the first black woman to serve on the Supreme Court, claiming that it was “time” for that to happen and that black women everywhere in America deserved representation on the high court. The announcement was praised by the Left, but Dr. Ben Carson slammed the pledge as “abominable” and the latest evidence that identity politics are moving the United States away from its fundamental values such as equality.

“This is America. Many people fought and gave their lives to bring equality, and now we’re reverting back to identity politics,” President Trump’s former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development told WMAL when asked about Biden’s decision. “And as we continue to do that, we’re bringing more division into our country.”

Carson also warned that Biden could be opening the door to future discrimination based on race and gender.

“If he can do that,” Carson said in reference to choosing only from black women potential nominees, “then who else can do it in the future using the criteria that they want, and completely ignoring all the progress that’s been made? It makes absolutely no sense, and I hope people will be incensed about it.”

Carson also blasted those who assert that the U.S. is a racist country or that black people cannot excel.

“You know, when I was a kid, it was a big deal when you saw a Black person on television who wasn’t in a servile role,” the world-famous neurosurgeon said. “And now you have Black CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, university presidents, generals, admirals. We’ve elected a Black president twice. You’ve got a Black vice president. Come on, to say that we haven’t made any progress is silly.”

“We need a Supreme Court where we have the best candidates who understand the Constitution and are not trying to legislate from the bench,” Carson added, before saying that “to create that kind of situation in the highest court in the land is really abominable, and very detrimental to our freedoms.”

The Daily Wire reported earlier this week that it isn’t just folks like Carson who oppose race-based admissions, there is currently a court case being taken up by the Supreme Court which challenges that very practice in higher education:



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