‘Do not fear bombs, they are your chance to meet God,’ priest reassures Kyiv congregation

‘Do not fear bombs, they are your chance to meet God,’ priest reassures Kyiv congregation

Tanya Boia was sobbing as she arrived for Sunday Mass at St Peter’s and St Paul’s in Kyiv’s eastern suburb of Brovary. Like many of those worshipping there, she hadn’t attended church in years. This Sunday, though, seemed like a good time to start again.

“I am scared, really scared,” she said as bombs sounded in the distance. “I try to stay positive, but I can’t help watching the TV news and there is nowhere in Ukraine that Russia has not attacked.

“I want to just flee abroad, but my elderly parents are still here, and I can’t leave them. I’m not normally religious, but now I just want to pray that God will do something.”

A sprawling industrial suburb known for brewing and shoemaking, Brovary is now directly in the path of the Russian advance on Kyiv. Last Wednesday, a column of Russian armour rolled brazenly down the motorway that runs through its Soviet-era housing estates, only to be pulverised last-minute by Ukrainian drone strikes.

Video footage of the attack, which showed tanks reduced to smoking ruins by unseen bolts from the sky, was hailed by locals as if it were an act of God. But with more Russian forces pushing into Brovary again, residents now want the Almighty’s help all the more.

“A lot of our flock here have already fled Kyiv altogether, but I see today that we have some new faces here at church,” noted Father Alexander Levchuk, 59, the senior priest at St Peter’s and St Paul’s. “I am glad that they have come – sometimes, this is how God reminds people of the importance of belief.”

The fighting in Brovary comes amid signs that Vladimir Putin is pressing ahead with his plans for an all-out assault on the Ukrainian capital, despite suffering heavy losses already. On the western side of the city, Russian forces are tightening their grip on the suburb of Irpin, where an American journalist became the first foreign journalist to die in the conflict on Sunday. Brent Renaut, a US film-maker, was killed by Russian gunfire. And to the north-west, a 40-mile Russian armoured column has been setting up its missile launcher into firing positions.

In Brovary, the war has already come to the nearby countryside, with several village churches hit by artillery. A man employed to paint the religious icons at St Peter’s and St Paul’s was killed by shelling as he drove to work. Meanwhile, Father Alexander’s brother Igor, a fellow priest, was working with him on Sunday after fighting stopped him reaching his own church at nearby Velyka Dymerka.

“My mother is 94,” Father Alexander added. “She says this reminds me of the fighting in Kyiv during World War Two.”

Sunday’s three-hour service was attended by hundreds of worshippers, many making the sign of the cross as they entered the church. However, the junior priest who delivered the sermon, Father Pavil, made no attempt to offer false comfort. Instead, he told the congregation to ready themselves to meet their maker.

“Everyone is afraid now that bombs may take the lives of people we love,” he said. “That fear is normal, and right now many of us feel distant from God. But we must remember our real values, which are about eternal life in heaven, not temporary life on earth. If we love God dearly, we know that bodily death is just a chance to meet Him sooner.”

Accepting God’s will did not mean there was nobody to blame for the conflict. Father Alexander pointed the finger not just at the Kremlin, but at his fellow clergy in the Russian Orthodox Church, whose leader, Patriarch Kirill, is an ally of Putin. Patriarch Kirill has described Russia’s opponents in Ukraine as “evil forces”.

“The Russian church is not even brave enough to admit this is a war,” said Father Alexander. “I cannot understand how they can support such a barbaric conflict, with Russian soldiers killing and looting.”

One parishioner, a history teacher named Tatiana, listed different Commandments that Putin had broken. As well as killing and bearing false witness by pretending the invasion was justified, he was coveting his neighbour’s assets by trying to steal their land.

“One of God’s laws is not to take what does not belong to you,” she said. “We are praying that God destroys Putin’s plan before he destroys Ukraine.”

Despite this, Father Alexander was still hoping for peace to prevail. He had done military service himself, and knew how to fire a Kalashnikov, but would not be joining Brovary’s citizens’ defence militias. “As a priest, the only blood I can spill is that of Jesus Christ’s during Communion,” he said.

The church service took place as Brovary continued building defences to slow the Russian onslaught. At a junction near the church, volunteers formed a chain gang to build sandbags for a checkpoint, filling white hessian sacks from piles of earth. “Please send us more of your rockets for our neighbourhood,” grinned one man, referring to Britain’s supply of thousands of anti-tank missiles to the Ukrainian forces.

Also helping out was artist Andrei Nastenko, 51, who brandished a printed copy of the Ukrainian national anthem with hand-written edits on. He had changed a few lines, he said, to make it sound more combative.

“It used to say that we would ‘lay down our soul and body for our country’,” he explained. “My new lines say ‘we will fight with our soul and body’.”

In similar fashion, a road sign on the motorway had been repainted with new directions for any Russian soldiers. It read: “Ahead: Go f–k yourself. Left: Go f–k yourself again. Right: Russia is that f–king way.”

Much as it got grins from passers-by, it had not pleased Father Alexander, who said there was no place for “the Devil’s language” – even in messages to unnerve the enemy.

He had contacted local officials to get some more peaceful ones put up, although it was not clear how much they chimed with the local mood.

One, which looked like it might have been drafted by a liberal-minded Anglican bishop, featured a dove of peace. Another urged God to “calm the souls” of the combatants.

Even Father Alexander, who is contemplating a busy few weeks ahead of pastoral care, seemed to doubt they would have much effect. “I may soon go to the front lines to bless our soldiers,” he said. “But it may be that the front lines are about to come to me.”

City authorities in Kyiv on Sunday said they were stockpiling two weeks worth of essential food items for the two million people who have not yet fled the capital.

The post ‘Do not fear bombs, they are your chance to meet God,’ priest reassures Kyiv congregation appeared first on The Telegraph.


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