Sean Hannity: America has figured out Biden is causing the oil and gas crisis

Sean Hannity: America has figured out Biden is causing the oil and gas crisis

Fox News host Sean Hannity analyzes what’s at the core of America’s economic problems as Biden continues to blame others for his policy failures.

SEAN HANNITY: Seven months away from the midterm elections the Biden White House is in one crisis after another. Today a key inflation gauge just set another 40 year high. This impacts every single American, every American household. A whopping 6.4% increase and according to Bloomberg the average American family now can expect to spend $5,200 more this year or $433 more each month on the exact same items they bought one year ago.

Already one out of every five workers in this country is now running out of money before payday. That number is expected to get much worse and in Biden’s economy, it’s especially worse and burdensome, for the poor and the middle class in this country. At the core of these economic woes, record high after record high gas prices. Tonight, the American people know who to blame. They said, yeah, it’s Joe Biden. His policies are the number one cause for the increase in fuel costs which means it’s more to heat and cool our homes and more we pay in every store we go to. This poll conducted by Quinnipiac. Here’s a news flash for Democrats ahead of the midterms. American people, guess what? They’ve figured it out. New Green Deal, socialism is not going to work ever.

On the campaign trail, it was your candidate Joe Biden vowing to end fossil fuels. This was the predicable result. During his very first week in office, he banned the drilling in ANWR [Arctic National Wild Refuge]. We have such vast resources. We could have cheap energy for every American. He banned new exploration and auctions on federal land. He killed the Keystone XL pipeline.

The Alberta premier [Jason Kenney] said if they finished it, it would be done by now. We would have 900,000 barrels of oil a day flowing into this country from Canada. Last month the Biden administration paused all new leases on oil and gas because of climate change. What a surprise, U.S. oil and gas prices are predictably higher than ever.

In fact, costs have been rising every single month since Joe Biden took office. Vladimir Putin did not cause that. Joe Biden, New Green Deal radical socialism caused it. According to him, Vladimir Putin and COVID-19 are to blame for his woes. If it’s COVID, why didn’t it happen under Trump?

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