Nigeria 2023: Choosing between dealers and leaders, By Ayo Akerele

Nigeria 2023: Choosing between dealers and leaders, By Ayo Akerele

A nation does not fail from the lack of resources. Nations fail when values fail. Nations fail when dealers replace leaders. And nothing triggers a value system collapse like poverty, because a hungry man is an angry man who is capable of anything to overcome his poverty.

Liquidating a People By Erasing their Memory, Destroying their Books, Culture and History

The first step in liquidating a people, writes Milan Hubl,  is “to erase its memory, destroy its books, its culture, and its history. Before long, the Nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was.” Stretching this further, Arthur Schlesinger said, “When a nation loses its history, it becomes whatever people say it is, and usually, the loudest and angriest voices win”. No other postulations clearly define Nigeria as these two masterpieces. A few days back, an online poll was conducted among a large spectrum of Nigerians, drawn from different demographies. The question…


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