Blasphemy in Nigeria’s legal systems: an explainer

Blasphemy in Nigeria’s legal systems: an explainer

Is blasphemy a criminal offence in Nigeria?

Blasphemy is an offence under sharia (Islamic law). Sharia law operates in most northern states, including Kano.

Blasphemy is also an offence under Nigeria’s criminal law in states that put it on their statute books. This is true for states in both the north and the south.

The defendant in the recent case in Kano was convicted of “inciting disturbance and insulting” and “exciting contempt of religious creed” under sections 114 and 210 of the penal code law of Kano State. He was alleged to have posted something considered to be insulting to God, Prophet Muhammad and Islam in general.

At first glance, this charge does not appear to be one of blasphemy but rather an offence against religion. However, a close reading of Kano’s penal code shows that the charge equals that of blasphemy, an offence under both the state’s penal code and its system of sharia law. The two are implemented side by…


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