‘Enormous Implications’: Mike Pompeo Argues Biden Shouldn’t Be Surprised Over Energy Crisis Democrat Policies Created

‘Enormous Implications’: Mike Pompeo Argues Biden Shouldn’t Be Surprised Over Energy Crisis Democrat Policies Created

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo argued on Sunday that President Joe Biden shouldn’t be surprised by the energy crisis his leftist Democrat policies have created.

Pompeo shared the remarks during a Sunday interview on “The Cat’s Roundtable” radio program.

“You could have predicted this. The moment you said we’re going to shut down American energy, we’re not going to have leases – not only in Alaska but on federal land – the moment you made it somehow feel icky to be a participant in the fossil fuels supply chain you knew these prices were going to come,” Pompeo said. “It will have enormous implications for the American economy.”

The former secretary of state added that the nation’s energy problems are due to political decisions rather than a lack of oil or other resources.

“The American leadership, Joe Biden, made the political decision to shut in American energy when we were nearly energy independent and he said don’t loan to them, don’t buy their…


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