Hannity: Does Biden ever talk about the violence gripping America’s cities because of Democratic policies?

Hannity: Does Biden ever talk about the violence gripping America’s cities because of Democratic policies?

Sean Hannity highlights how the Democrats are politicizing a shooting yet again and blaming Republicans for the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York on “Hannity.”

SEAN HANNITY: A deranged racist monster opened fire at a supermarket murdering ten innocent Americans. Tonight, we all do pray for all of the victims and their families and the entire city of Buffalo, everyone impacted by this despicable act of violence. Sadly, yet unfortunately, predictably, many on the left almost immediately started exploiting their pain, their suffering for political gain. In fact, after the shooting, it took Democrats just 3 hours to start blaming Republicans and conservatives and talk show hosts and Fox News. Of course, it’s the same terrible smear tactic that liberals have been using for years. 

Now, in the nineties, you might remember, former President Bill Clinton tried to blame Rush Limbaugh and talk radio for the Oklahoma City bombing. He later said, quote, “So the instrument carrying this forward was basically the right-wing radio talk show hosts. And they understand clearly that emotion was more powerful than reason most of the time.” Now, you might remember in 2007, then Senator Joe Biden, remember he blamed George W Bush, Newt Gingrich, for the Virginia Tech massacre. You might remember in 2016, The New York Times blaming the entire Republican Party for the Pulse nightclub shooting. In 2019, Democrats blaming President Trump for the El Paso shooting. And just today, Democrat Eric Swalwell blaming House Republicans for a shooting in California where apparently a Chinese man opened fire on a Taiwanese congregation. 

Swalwell referred to the shooter as the GOP’s, quote, “boy,” whatever that means. Now we can go on and on. Democrats always play the blame game, unless, of course, it does not benefit them politically. Almost no one in the media mob is covering the 33 people that were shot in Chicago. There are their names, right there. Over the weekend, did you hear their names? Did you hear any reports? Did you hear any outrage? Did you hear any blame? As per usual, this program. We’ve done this since 2009. We scrolled the names of thousands and thousands of names of people shot in Chicago that you’ve never heard about. 


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