Here's what Biden has done on guns and what advocacy groups say he can still do without Congress

Here's what Biden has done on guns and what advocacy groups say he can still do without Congress

The President said last week during a trip to Buffalo, New York, after a mass shooting took place at a grocery store there that there was “not much on executive action” that he could do to further strengthen gun control measures. He said he needed to instead “convince Congress” to pass legislation like the 1994 assault weapons ban.

“Will there be more executive actions and will we do more? We’ll look into that. We’re always looking to do more,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Thursday. “But right now we need the help of Congress. We need them to step in.”

Gun violence prevention organizations like Everytown for Gun Safety and Brady have praised the numerous executive actions the President has taken on guns since taking office, including to curb the use of so-called ghost guns and bolster community violence intervention programs.

But there are several further actions they say they would like to see the President take:

Clarification from the…


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