It Took The Supreme Court Just 10 Days To Change America As We Know It

It Took The Supreme Court Just 10 Days To Change America As We Know It

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The Supreme Court is allegedly the most passive, slowest-moving branch of government. But in a little more than one week’s time, the court may end up rewriting as much American law as any Congress or presidency in recent memory.

Just consider what the court has done since last Tuesday:

― It has invalidated gun restrictions in states that hold about one-fourth of the population and created a new constitutional standard for firearm restrictions that will make defending other limits (including parts of a new law that President Joe Biden signed last week) even more difficult.

― It has forced publicly funded school voucher programs to include religious establishments and required districts to allow coach-led, post-game prayers on the field, and in the process dispensed with a decades-old legal test designed to prevent official government endorsements of faith.


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