Josephine’s unexpected triplets

Josephine’s unexpected triplets


About two years ago, when Josephine found that she was expecting her first child, she and Joseph, her husband, were cautiously optimistic because of their previous experiences with miscarriage first at 12 weeks, then at barely seven weeks.

Josephine, 34, had battled the disappointment of miscarriage enough times already and as a result, she was not in any way looking forward to repetition at any time soon, but never for a moment doubted the fact that the road to parenthood was not a picnic.

 As she and Joseph waited at the clinic for the computer scan to confirm the pregnancy, the sonologist was quiet for a moment before announcing that she had picked up two heartbeats.

The doctor explained to the surprised couple that Josephine was carrying twins and actually turned the monitor so that they could see the two sacs on the screen. But as they watched, she got quiet briefly before announcing that she had picked up a third heartbeat.

Are you sure, Joseph asked, but his question was pointless. They all could see the three sacs clearly on the monitor. Yes, they were expecting triplets! Josephine was stunned into silence, she did not know whether to laugh or cry.

All their plans to have their first baby dramatically had been tripled within a few seconds to include the second baby and the third baby in rapid succession.

The couple’s surprise was not unusual. It was an uncommon pregnancy because spontaneously conceiving triplets without the aid of fertility treatments are slim indeed.


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