Mapping a brighter future: Advancing immunization coverage for healthier communities

  • Significance of Prevention: In Nigeria, the adage “prevention is better than cure” holds immense importance, particularly as families struggle financially. Illnesses like chest infections and diarrhoea can lead to significant expenses, including hospital visits and lost income.
  • Vital Role of Vaccines: Vaccines offer a beacon of hope, protecting against numerous preventable diseases like diarrhoea, pneumonia, and polio. They are readily available free of charge at primary health centers nationwide.
  • Challenges in Vaccination: Despite the effectiveness and accessibility of vaccines, over 2.5 million Nigerian children remain unvaccinated, contributing to high under-five mortality rates and low immunization coverage.
  • Impact of COVID-19: The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the situation, leading to approximately 6.2 million missed vaccinations from 2019 to 2021.
  • Combatting Misinformation: Misconceptions and misinformation, such as rumors of vaccine-related sterilization, hinder vaccination efforts. Targeted education and outreach are crucial to dispel myths and build trust.


Nowadays, the age-old wisdom of “prevention is better than cure” holds unprecedented significance in Nigeria. With countless families grappling to put food on the table, the specter of a major illness looms as a potential harbinger of financial ruin. 

Take, for instance, a chest infection – its onset often necessitates a costly trip to the hospital, encompassing transportation expenses, medical tests, and medication bills. 

In more severe cases, hospitalisation may be imperative, entailing a loss of vital income for parents who are forced to take time off work. Similarly, the emergence of diarrhoea in a child can trigger a similar cascade of financial strain.

Yet, amidst this precarious landscape, lies a beacon of hope: immunisations. Whether warding off diarrhoea, pneumonia, TB, polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, meningitis, tetanus, or even cervical cancer, vaccines offer a shield against a plethora of preventable ailments, underscoring the paramount importance of accessible immunisation programmes in safeguarding the health and financial stability of Nigerian families. 

The undeniable truth is that vaccines have proven their efficacy and safety over decades of use. Take, for example, the case of polio: Nigeria’s success in eradicating wild polio owes a great deal to the widespread administration of polio vaccines, which have spared countless children from the devastating effects of physical paralysis.


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