Cop found severed head in lair of cannibal killer planning to feed lover to kids

Cop found severed head in lair of cannibal killer planning to feed lover to kids

An Australian cop has recalled the moment he found a man’s decapitated, skinned body on the floor, with his head stewing in a pot on the stove and his deranged, cannibal lover unconscious in the bedroom.

On February 29, 2000, Katherine Knight stabbed her lover, John Price a minimum of 37 times at their home before she used the skills she had acquired as a slaughter-house worker to skin him, butcher him, hang his flesh up on a meat hook, and then cook him with gravy and vegetables.

It’s believed the mum-of-four intended to serve her lover up to his children and that she ate a piece of him before going to the bank to take out some of his money before returning home where she took an overdose but survived.

New South Wales policeman Robert Wells was the first senior officer at the gruesome scene, and told The Sun he still suffers PTSD from witnessing the horror, which he says will “never leave him”.


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