British survivor of 1986 Pam Am hijacking confronts terrorist

British survivor of 1986 Pam Am hijacking confronts terrorist


A British man who was on board the Pan Am 73 plane when armed terrorists stormed it during an assault in 1986 that killed 21 people has confronted the man who held him at gunpoint.

Mike Thexton, then 27, was returning from Karachi in Pakistan after spending the summer hiking the Himalayas when a Palestinian terror cell hijacked the airliner. 

The jet never left the runaway and for 16 terrifying hours, Mike and 400 others were held captive by the four men, who were armed with rifles and hand grenades.  

The terror group’s boss Zaid Hassan Abd Latif Safarini had planned to fly the plane into an Israeli military target, which would likely have seen all on board killed, but the pilots escaped through a hatch before they could break into the cockpit.

Mike begged for his life to be spared during the attack, and always wondered why he had survived. He was stunned to discover the reason one of the terrorists opted…


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