‘I married and divorced ghost after he stalked me – now I’m attracting more’

‘I married and divorced ghost after he stalked me – now I’m attracting more’

A woman who “married, divorced and was then stalked by a ghost” is now a paranormal investigator with her ghostly ex-husband’s blessing.

Brocarde says she met “devilishly handsome” Victorian soldier Edwardo when he “burst” into her bedroom on a stormy night. They later married – but a year later, she called quits on the relationship and accused the spirit of cheating on her.

The 40-year-old singer, from Oxfordshire, claims she was forced to call in an exorcist to make sure Edwardo was gone for good. But she hasn’t cut off her connection to the spirit world altogether.

She has now become a paranormal investigator – and says she has her ghost ex-husband’s blessing. In her new job, she claims she’s already encountered an alcoholic devil and rope burns.

Brocarde says during another investigation she was dragged from her bed by the ghost of a malevolent hangman. But she says her and Edwardo are now at peace – and he is happy with her work as a ghost hunter.

She said: “I see spirits on a regular basis now, I’m hyper sensitive to ghosts and seem to attract them.’I consult mediums constantly to gain a better understanding of why this could be and to make sense of my encounters.

“One medium suggested that Edwardo and I entered each others lives for a reason and we have helped each other. This was quite comforting, as I didn’t like the suggestion that Edwardo was trapped and distressed.


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