Early reviews of eNaira app unsatisfactory despite 200,000 wallet downloads

Early reviews of eNaira app unsatisfactory despite 200,000 wallet downloads

The Sun News

Despite the massive interest in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)’s eNaira initiative in which over 200,000 wallets were downloaded in 24 hours, early reviews of the app indicate frustrations among Nigerians with some stating that the CBN should have thoroughly done a better investigation before launching the app.

A breakdown of the figures obtained by Daily Sun via the Google Playstore app showed that days after the digital currency was launched by President Muhammadu Buhari, over 100,000 downloads were recorded with 156,700 consumer wallets set up, while 23,659 merchant wallets have been opened, a reflection of the strong interest the innovation has continued to attract.

However, with over 2,596 app reviews, the app has an assigned rating of just 1.8 stars for Android users and 2.9 stars with 81 rating on the Apple Store.

A user, Colorado Akpan, stated that the interface is okay but the error messages were too much. In response, the…


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