A professor wants to ‘destigmatize’ pedophilia. No, absolutely not

A professor wants to ‘destigmatize’ pedophilia. No, absolutely not


‘Minor-attracted persons’ – or ‘paedophiles’, in old-fashioned parlance – are not deserving of our sympathy or indulgence, and no amount of woke, academic gibberish will make sane people think otherwise.

Gradually, they are inching towards their goal.

An assistant professor in criminal justice at Old Dominion University, Virginia by the name of Allyn Walker (who identifies as ‘non-binary’) has written a book titled ‘A Long, Dark Shadow’. The purpose of this work is a sympathetic examination of what the woke progressives now refer to as ‘minor-attracted people’, or ‘MAPS’ (paedophiles, to you and me), in order to “address the stigma surrounding them.”

In a Prostasia Foundation interview, Walker says:

“Having an attraction to minors as long as it isn’t acted on, doesn’t mean that the person who has those attractions is doing something wrong… I think we have a tendency to want to categorize people with these attractions as evil or morally corrupt … From my perspective, there is no morality or immorality attached to attraction to anyone, because no one can control who they’re attracted to at all.”

There exists now a proverbial tome, a spectral encyclopaedia consulted only by Western professors and journalists. Therein is written the bizarre lexicon of new ‘academic’ language; invented terms and politicised interpretations which alter otherwise eternal truths. Orbiting in that murk are all manner of morphing, ill-defined concepts of consent and perversion.

Luckily for us, this arcane and mystical tabula rasa is still (for now) forced to refer to paedophilia as a DISORDER. Not due to its innate evil, of course, but only for the reason that it results in ‘harm to others’. This simplistic definition leaves them open to consider a ‘non-harmful paedophilia’. As we can see, our materialist modern morals can only coalesce around concepts of consent, and not the natural, visceral disgust most people feel at the thought of sexualising children.

Often beginning in universities, this careful alteration of terminology is performed by wordsmiths seeking to advance language by degrees (and thereby thought) towards an abyss of relativism. That is, eventual acceptance of every sexual deviance imaginable, including bestiality and paedophilia. Whether they realise this is their goal or not, all of the pushing for identity inclusion points in this extreme direction.


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