Bokhari: Silicon Valley Found Kyle Rittenhouse Guilty Long Before His Trial

Bokhari: Silicon Valley Found Kyle Rittenhouse Guilty Long Before His Trial


The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is wrapping up, but before it had even began, leftists in Silicon Valley had already decided that Rittenhouse was guilty — of something.

For the “crime” of defending himself against violent rioters who were captured on video trying to assault him, Facebook instituted a ban on any statements defending the teenager.

Over a year old, the ban is still in place on both Facebook and Instagram and is even catching GOP Senate candidates like Josh Mandel in its net.

Facebook says supporting Rittenhouse violates its guidelines on “violence or dangerous organizations.”

In this Aug. 26, 2020, photo released by the Antioch Police Department is Kyle Rittenhouse in Antioch, Ill. Rittenhouse is accused of killing two protesters days after Jacob Blake was shot by police in Kenosha, Wis. (Antioch Police Department via AP)

But as we’ve come to expect from Big Tech’s far-left censorship machine, there isn’t even the pretense of effort to apply the standards evenly or fairly. Note that expressing support for Antifa and Black Lives Matter, the groups that started the violence in Kenosha and in many other American cities that summer, is still allowed on the platform.

In fact, if you express disagreement with the far-left, racist, pro-violence, pro-looting movement inside Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg himself will reprimand you.

There’s also no Facebook ban on supporting Rittenhouse’s weapon-wielding assailants, or the assailants who attempted to grab his gun, including convicted child molester Joseph Rosenbaum.

While it seems to have relaxed its enforcement, Twitter implemented similar policies shortly after the Kenosha riot, suspending users — including journalists  for expressing support for Rittenhouse.

Like Facebook, Twitter implemented no such ban on expressing support for the rioters, or for Rittenhouse’s assailants. In fact, as Breitbart News reported at the time, Twitter allowed looters to use its platform to coordinate criminal behavior during the summer riots.


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