Harry Potter reunion: Spell cast to keep JK Rowling & her alleged transphobia away from festivities

Harry Potter reunion: Spell cast to keep JK Rowling & her alleged transphobia away from festivities


HBO Max will air Harry Potter’s 20th anniversary reunion special, but creator JK Rowling is apparently persona non grata because she dared to speak the truth about the trans movement.

Twenty years ago, the magic of Harry Potter jumped from the page to the screen as ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’, the first movie in the Harry Potter franchise, premiered in cineplexes across the globe.

Now, after a total of eight films based on books that sold more than 500 million copies, which raked in more than seven billion galleons at the box office, Warner Brothers is celebrating the Harry Potter film franchise with a TV reunion set to air on HBO Max on January 1, 2022.

All the surviving stars of the films and their directors will be there, including Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Emma Watson (Hermione), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) as well as Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange), Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid), Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort), Gary Oldman (Sirius Black), and even Draco Malfoy himself, Tom Felton.

But, like a god cast out of an Eden of her own making, JK Rowling, creator of Harry Potter and literary hero to a whole generation of readers, will not be there to bask in the glow of her creative genius.

Neither Warner Brothers nor Rowling have explicitly stated so, but it appears that the author of the Harry Potter books, who was intimately involved in the making of the movies, wasn’t invited to this Harry Potter party.

Rowling’s egregious sin, for which she has been banished from wizarding world and forced to wear a scarlet ‘T’ for transphobe, is that she is a dutiful progressive on nearly every issue imaginable, but she just can’t bring herself to ignore objective biological reality and therefore refuses to fall under the insidious spell of the subjective lunacy of transgenderism.

The Rowling row heated up last year when, in response to an article that used the term “people who menstruate” instead of the word “women,” Ms. Rowling had the temerity to tweet, “People who menstruate, I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”

She followed that up with a tweet saying, “I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth.

I wholeheartedly agree, but Rowling’s naivete is charming, as anyone with a first year Hogwarts education knows that in our damned world of lies, daring to speak the truth is now considered an expression of violent hate, if not an outright crime.


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