How insecurity heightens traveling challenges in Nigeria

How insecurity heightens traveling challenges in Nigeria


A popular phrase says ‘traveling is a form of education.’ This is because it is not only in classrooms that you can acquire knowledge. Traveling provides field experience. I recall my first visit to Jos, Plateau State in 1980 to spend part of my long-term vacation with my uncle residing in the coal city. My elder sister and I travelled by rail. We boarded a train from Ibadan around 9pm and arrived Jos at the dawn of the third day. In the course of the travel, I recall traveling with an exercise book where I jotted the names of all the towns and villages we passed on our way. It was my first travel by train and it was an exciting and memorable experience.  Since that time, I don’t have to be informed of how cold Jos is. Also, I got the opportunity to visit places of interest in the ancient town.

Since 1998, I have been a development worker or better still a non-governmental organisation staff and later consultant. One thing I like about the job, which…


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