Finland condemns planned attack, disruption of Elections in South-east

Finland condemns planned attack, disruption of Elections in South-east


Michael Olugbode in AbujaThe Embassy of Finland has condemned any attack targeted at the upcoming election in Nigeria.A Nigerian resident in Finland, Simon Ekpa, who has link with the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) had few days ago threatened to visit violence on anyone in the south-east who participate in the forthcoming election.

In a publication on its website, the Embassy said: “Referring to the upcoming elections in Nigeria – Finland condemns violence and incitement to violence in all its forms.

“With reference to the upcoming elections in Nigeria, the Embassy of Finland in Nigeria reiterates Finland’s clear and unequivocal condemnation of all forms of violence and incitement to violence. Political aims should be pursued solely through political means.

“The Embassy underlines the importance of and Finland’s full support to the safe and secure conduct of the upcoming elections in all parts of Nigeria.“Nationally and through the EU Finland is strongly invested in the success of the electoral process.”

The publication added that: “The Embassy has been approached with questions about the position of Finland regarding events in South-east Nigeria. Our position is very clear: We cannot in any way condone calls for stopping the conduct of elections, or any actions aimed at preventing people from exercising their democratic rights.

“Every individual has the right not to vote, but actions aimed at preventing others from doing so are clearly not acceptable.Finland fully shares the concerns regarding the security situation in Southeast Nigeria.“Finland and Nigeria have discussed the situation, and Finnish and Nigerian authorities are cooperating on the matter. The Embassy cannot, however, comment in public on the content of this cooperation…


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